About Our Name
‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.’
William Shakespeare
Clover Love Canada’s name was inspired by Denise’s canine companion, Clover; a beautiful English bulldog. Clover enveloped the values which are the guiding principles of the business, namely Learn: She taught Denise a lot about being a dog mom, especially to an English bulldog! Love: Abundant, Unconditional and Mutual and Give: Endless amounts of Joy to Denise and her family!
Clover crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on April 18, 2023. Denise and her family had 11 wonderful years with her. Clover Love Canada’s logo includes an English bulldog, to commemorate the legend and inspiration that was Clover. We hope that it brings a smile to your face each time you see it.